What is C0VM

If you are familiar with C0VM, you can skip this page safely.

The C0 source code can be compiled into a byte code format denoted as bc0, the byte code will be a sequence of simple instructions with very basic control flow (conditional branching and function call).

The C0VM is a virtual machine that executes this byte code file. There are also some native functions that can be called directly by C0VM. Native functions usually deals with I/O and some lower-level jobs.

For more information about the C0VM, please see the document attached below:

The byte codes supported by C0VM is listed below:

C0 Byte Code Instructions (within C0 language standard)
C0VM Instruction Reference  
S = operand stack  
V = local variable array, V[0..num_vars)  
Instruction operands:  
<i> = local variable index (unsigned)  
<b> = byte (signed)  
<s> = element size in bytes (unsigned)  
<f> = field offset in struct in bytes (unsigned)  
<c> = <c1,c2> = pool index = (c1<<8|c2) (unsigned)  
<o> = <o1,o2> = pc offset = (o1<<8|o2) (signed)  
Stack operands:  
x, i, n : w32 = 32 bit word representing an int, bool, or char ("primitive")  
a : #         = tagged pointer  
a : *         = address ("reference"), possibly tagged  
v             = arbitrary value -- v:* or v:w32 or v:#  
Stack operations  
0x57 pop               S, v -> S  
0x59 dup               S, v -> S, v, v  
0x5F swap              S, v1, v2 -> S, v2, v1  
0x60 iadd              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x+y:w32  
0x64 isub              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x-y:w32  
0x68 imul              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x*y:w32  
0x6C idiv              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x/y:w32  
0x70 irem              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x%y:w32  
0x7E iand              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x&y:w32  
0x80 ior               S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x|y:w32  
0x82 ixor              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x^y:w32  
0x78 ishl              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x<<y:w32  
0x7A ishr              S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S, x>>y:w32  
0x10 bipush <b>        S -> S, x:w32        (x = (w32)b, sign extended)  
0x13 ildc <c1,c2>      S -> S, x:w32        (x = int_pool[(c1<<8)|c2])  
0x14 aldc <c1,c2>      S -> S, a:*          (a = &string_pool[(c1<<8)|c2])  
0x01 aconst_null       S -> S, null:*  
Local Variables  
0x15 vload <i>         S -> S, v            (v = V[i])  
0x36 vstore <i>        S, v -> S            (V[i] = v)  
Assertions and errors  
0xBF athrow            S, a:* -> S          (c0_user_error(a))  
0xCF assert            S, x:w32, a:* -> S   (c0_assertion_failure(a) if x == 0)  
Control Flow  
0x00 nop               S -> S  
0x9F if_cmpeq <o1,o2>  S, v1, v2 -> S       (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if v1 == v2)  
0xA0 if_cmpne <o1,o2>  S, v1, v2 -> S       (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if v1 != v2)  
0xA1 if_icmplt <o1,o2> S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if x < y)  
0xA2 if_icmpge <o1,o2> S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if x >= y)  
0xA3 if_icmpgt <o1,o2> S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if x > y)  
0xA4 if_icmple <o1,o2> S, x:w32, y:w32 -> S (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2) if x <= y)  
0xA7 goto <o1,o2>      S -> S               (pc = pc+(o1<<8|o2))  
0xB8 invokestatic <c1,c2>  S, v1, v2, ..., vn -> S, v  
                                     (function_pool[c1<<8|c2] => g, g(v1,...,vn) = v)  
0xB0 return                ., v -> .        (return v to caller)  
0xB7 invokenative <c1,c2>  S, v1, v2, ..., vn -> S, v  
                                       (native_pool[c1<<8|c2] => g, g(v1,...,vn) = v)  
0xBB new <s>           S -> S, a:*          (*a is now allocated, size <s>)  
0x2E imload            S, a:* -> S, x:w32   (x = *a, a != NULL, load 4 bytes)  
0x4E imstore           S, a:*, x:w32 -> S   (*a = x, a != NULL, store 4 bytes)  
0x2F amload            S, a:* -> S, b:*     (b = *a, a != NULL, load address)  
0x4F amstore           S, a:*, b:* -> S     (*a = b, a != NULL, store address)  
0x34 cmload            S, a:* -> S, x:w32   (x = (w32)(*a), a != NULL, load 1 byte)  
0x55 cmstore           S, a:*, x:w32 -> S   (*a = x & 0x7f, a != NULL, store 1 byte)  
0x62 aaddf <f>         S, a:* -> S, (a+f):* (a != NULL; f field offset in bytes)  
0xBC newarray <s>      S, n:w32 -> S, a:*   (a[0..n) now allocated,  
                                             each array element has size <s>)  
0xBE arraylength       S, a:* -> S, n:w32   (n = \length(a))  
0x63 aadds             S, a:*, i:w32 -> S, (a->elems+s*i):*  
                                            (a != NULL, 0 <= i < \length(a)) 

The C0VM does Not support C1 Language Standard for now.

C0 Byte Code Instructions (added in C1 language standard)
0xC0 checktag <c1,c2>  S, a:# -> S, a:*   (c0_memory_error() if a != NULL and has tag  
                                           other than c1<<8|c2)  
0xC1 hastag <c1,c2>    S, a:# -> S, x:w32 (x = (w32)0 if a != NULL and has tag  
                                           other than c1<<8|c2)  
                                          (x = (w32)1 otherwise)  
0xC2 addtag <c1,c2>    S, a:* -> S, a:#   (a:# has tag c1<<8|c2)  
0x16 addrof_static <c1,c2> S -> S, a:*  (a = function pointer for static at c1<<8|c2)  
0x17 addrof_native <c1,c2> S -> S, a:*  (a = function pointer for native at c1<<8|c2)  
0xB6 invokedynamic         S, v1, v2, ..., vn, a:* -> S, v  
                                         (g = function a points to, g(v1,...,vn) = v)  

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